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Taken 29-Dec-14
Visitors 686

20 of 20 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions3228 x 2424
Original file size1.18 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
SH 2-229

SH 2-229

Other Names: IC 405, Caldwell 31, Flaming Star Nebula
Optics: Borg 101ED at f/4.1
Mount: Paramount MX using The SkyX Pro
Camera: QSI 683WS-8
Filters: Astrodon Ha 3nm, OIII 3nm, SII 3nm
Exposure: 540 Mins or 9 hours, [11x 1200s Ha, 10x 1200s OIII, 6x 1200s SII], Binned 1x1
Accessories: Auto guided with Borg 45ED & Starlight Xpress Lodestar. Feathertouch focuser using FocusMax 3.8.0
Location: Calgary, AB
Date: Taken over several nights from November 15th to December 20th, 2014
Notes: Image acquisition with Maxim DL Pro using MaxPilote automation software.
Processing: Image calibration, align, and combine in Maxim DL Pro. Levels, curves, cosmetic adjustments and crop/resize in Photoshop.
Calibrated w/20 Darks, 100 Bias, 50 Flats of each filter using a flat pannel. CCD temperature was -25C. Image was taken from my backyard Observatory.

Link to Ha image:

IC 405 (also known as the Flaming Star Nebula, SH 2-229, or Caldwell 31) is an emission/reflection nebula[1] in the constellation Auriga, surrounding the bluish star AE Aurigae. It shines at magnitude +6.0. Its celestial coordinates are RA 05h 16.2m dec +34° 28′.[2] It surrounds the irregular variable star AE Aurigae and is located near the emission nebula IC 410, the open clusters M38 and M36, and the naked-eye K-class star Hassaleh. The nebula measures approximately 37.0' x 19.0', and lies about 1,500 light-years away.[2] It is believed that the proper motion of the central star can be traced back to the Orion's Belt area.[2] The nebula is about 5 light-years across.[1]